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Integrating Resource Management

Urban Water Management

Most areas proposed for development in the Perth, Peel and South-West regions have significant water resource issues. Urban water management strategies build onto traditional water management approaches to improve the quality and quantity of water resources post-development. Effective urban water resource management is achieved by integrating total water cycle management into urban development planning and design.

Strategic planning is important in total water cycle management and is a key focus in the State Water Management Strategy (Government of WA). The extent of investigation is determined by a sites condition and should accommodate the varying nature and scale between planning stages to keep information relevant.

Urban water management is integrated into land use planning via water sensitive urban design techniques. The aim is to manage flood risk while maximising water re-use, efficiency and recycling with structural and non-structural controls for both existing and proposed urban development.

Bioscience has expertise in all aspects relating to Urban Water Management Strategy, particularly Local Water Management Strategies and Urban Water Management Plans. We incorporate water sensitive urban design objectives and storm water management principles in land use planning to achieve better water management practices.