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Integrating Resource Management

Aquifer Testing

With water in rivers, wetlands and aquifers becoming less freely available for human use, regulation and licensing of remaining resources becomes more stringent. Our background in agriculture and horticulture, and our knowledge of water quality and hydrology and water use efficiency means we are ideally placed as an effective interface between users and regulators.

We organise and conduct aquifer pumping tests to evaluate and characterise bores and aquifers in order to determine any impacts on other users or the environment, and to determine sustainable yields. Aquifer pumping test are among the most expensive field tests in hydrogeology; it is therefore crucial to seek the advice of experienced professionals. 

Bioscience conducts aquifer tests in accordance with the Australian Standard 2368 “Test pumping of Water Wells”.  The data generated from these aquifer tests are then used to generate groundwater models and/or evaluate the efficiency of a proposed production well, using various software programs such as Modflow®, HydroGeoAnalyst 2009®, and AquaferTest 4.2®.  Hydrological Reports, produced to the requirements of the Department of Water then contribute to the important accumulating archives of the state water resources.