Bioprime is a unique soil priming agent that works by changing soil microbiology. Bioprime is composed of a huge range of signalling molecules. When applied to soil, even in very small amounts, Bioprime changes diversity within a wide range of important soil microbial groups, promoting the development and diversity of beneficial microbes. The outcome of these changes is a stronger plant, better root growth, and ultimately a more efficient system. Greater growth efficiency equals better profits.
The raw materials used to make Bioprime are natural products which are manufactured using a patented process. Bioprime is non-toxic and completely biodegradable.
How does it work?
Bioprime contains a wide range of components, including diverse soil signalling molecules. Some components, "quorum quenchers", act to suppress harmful bacterial consortia. Some components act as soil priming agents and "quorum sensors", stimulating microbial groups known to be beneficial to plant roots. Some components are identical to the organic acids and phenolics that plant roots secrete to attract beneficial microbes. Other components are precursors to plant steroids.
When applied to soil, Bioprime changes microbial communities. In trials, it has:
- Increased species diversity within Actinobacteria (known disease-suppressors)
- Changed species diversity within Gamma Proteobacteria
- Shifted the composition of the Dikaryotic fungal community
- Made non-wetting soils productive
- Dramatically improved native plant establishment in rehabilitation projects
- Improved soil health for a more productive system with increased yields.
Bioprime produces a healthier soil with greater diversity of beneficial microbes and a reduction in pathogens. Most importantly for grain growers, only small volumes are required (2-4L per hectare) to produce changes, so it is inexpensive.
How do we know it works?
Bioprime has a 20 year history of use in intensive horticulture for disease suppression. Despite at the time having a lack of knowledge of how it worked, leading growers continued purchasing Bioprime and stayed disease free.
To further develop Bioprime, four years of intensive DNA-based investigations on broad acre soils were conducted. Molecular biology showed us how microbial group diversity shifted after application. An R&D focus on fermentation technology increased levels of active ingredients for lower production costs. Pot trials led to small field trials, larger field trials, and then on-farm trials. Work is ongoing, especially finding optimal timing and application rates to give the best returns to our growers.