Australia is the driest inhabited continent on Earth with highly variable rainfall patterns. This variability means that Australian communities frequently face water supply and water quality problems. Consequently, water is a highly valued resource. The water sources include surface water (rainfall and the resulting runoff into streams, rivers, lakes and wetlands) and groundwater (water from underground sources). One the greatest challenges facing us as we move into the future, is how we managing water sustainably and productively.
In recent years Australia has become increasingly reliant on groundwater, for the development of agricultural, horticultural and mining industries. Groundwater now constitutes the largest proportion of Western Australia's drinking water supplies. The ever increasing use of this finite resource coupled with the impact of reduced rainfall due to climate change makes it imperative that groundwater resources be accurately estimated/modelled and appropriately managed.
At Bioscience, we incorporate the best management practices in conducting both hydrogeological investigations and water monitoring, in accordance with the Right in Water and Irrigation Act 1914 (DoW), the Guidelines for Groundwater Protection 1995 (NWQMS). From Urban Water Management Strategies, Groundwater and surface water Monitoring and Modelling, Bore Licensing, Wetland Investigations, Aquifer Pumping Tests, Water Quality Testing, to our Products that remove bore staining and prevent bacterial blockages, Bioscience is capable of servicing all of your hydrogeological requirements.