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Integrating Resource Management

Wetland Investigation

Wetlands are areas where the soil becomes inundated or waterlogged, either permanently or seasonally, with fresh or saline water and are generally inhabited by specifically adapted plant and animal communities. Wetlands vary widely because of regional and local differences in soils, topography, climate, hydrology, water chemistry, vegetation, and other factors, including human disturbance.

Driven by the recognition of the importance of wetlands in the Swan Coastal Plain ecosystem, and the fact that European settlement had caused a rapid loss of wetlands, studies were initiated in the late 1980’s to 1990’s to map wetlands in the Perth area, and to assign management categories in order for them to be protected from future decline.

The definition, location and management category of wetlands can change over the longer term, so new wetlands can form and old wetland can dry, thus losing their wetland characteristics. It was also recognised that some of the original wetland mapping was done on a broad scale, and may prove in time to have the boundaries imprecisely mapped or inappropriate management categories assigned. wetland

Bioscience provides expert advice on current DEC wetland boundaries and management categories, and where appropriate, conducts the necessary investigations to justify a modification to the boundaries or management categories as per the DEC Guidelines.    

Wetland investigations require hydrological, biological and chemical analysis.  It is upon the results and data of this integrated approach that management plans can be formulated to preserve and protect worthwhile wetlands.